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Epwarp Newman, Esq,, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &C. weceecceceeees President.

W. W. Saunners, Esq., F.LAS., &C.s00cccccessccccccscese 2

VSI SPENGCES HSC, BsEU. ssi Cc Ceillcleloieisia/eleicialel oie/a\elaielejeielerely)s\nie Vice- Presidents. J. O. Westwoop, Esq., F.L.S., &c..... alaleteralaleievaiaisieielefeieicrs 5

Samvet Stevens, Esq., F.L.S, ..0-.ccccccccceccesccesens Lreasurer.

J. W. DouGras, Haqees sscsce cece acceve stat eeeeereeeeee Vo is. WiFesWVENGS TiStfe5) Fa1G: Sein s'eieiw aie ¥'s'e\oje/sie vici8ic vic'bis w'sie erecta

J. Curtis, Esq., F.L.S. ...... so @ondon eons sooUPAoODOGCNS PDWIN SHEPHERD, PSs cc's sis cicee bes sicle cleciclec veces cece

| Other Members

A. F. Suepparp, Esq. ee ee ey of the Council. S. Warine, Esq....-... stavalaicelatelelatetel stelelsiatslstsle)sfele}elisvs: sie1o '

Sa J OWIEKENSON, Esq: 22 cece so. - Rieiite alevaroielave ce ate e sites Bi Wr JANSON, EISG. sesececsssceciessccccccecrccessonne Curator.

Library and Cabinet Committee. Messrs. Douctas, Janson, A. F. Suepparp, Epwrn SHEPHERD, and WILKINSON.





Vol. I. twenty-four plates, 25s. 6d.—to members 12s. 9d. Vol. II. twenty-two plates, 23s. 6d.—to members 11s. 9d. Vol. III. sixteen plates, 21s. 6d.—to members 10s. 9d.

Vol. IV. twenty-three plates, 22s. 6d.—to members 11s. 3d. Vol. V. twenty-three plates, 25s. 6d.—to members 19s. 4d.

By a Resolution of the Council, Members may obtain the Transactions at the above reduced price, if taken in entire volumes; the price of the separate Parts remains as before.


Part 1, 1850, two plates, 2s. 6d.—to members 2s. Od. Part 2, 1850, one plate, 3s. Od.—to members 2s. Od. Part 3, 1850, three plates, 3s. Od.—to members 2s. Od. Part 4, 1851, four plates, 5s. Od.—to members 3s. 6d. Part 5, 1851, four plates, 3s. 0d.—to members 2s. Od. Part 6, 1851, two plates, 3s. Od.—to members 2s. Od. Part 7, 1851, one plate, 2s. 6¢.—to members 1s. 6d. Part 8, 1852, two plates, 5s. Od.—to members 3s. Od.


Part 1, 1852, four plates, 3s. Od.icto members 2s. 3d. Part 2, 1852, three plates, 3s. 0d.—to members 2s. 3d. Part 3, 1852, three plates, 3s. Od.—to members 2s. 3d. Part 4, 1853, three plates, 5s. Od.—to members 3s. 6d. Part 5, 1853, two plates, 4s. Od.—to members 3s. Od. Part 6, 1853, two plates, 3s. 0d.—to members 2s. 3d. Part 7, 1854, four plates, 3s. Gd.—to members 2s. 6d. Part 8, 1854, two plates, 4s. Od.—to members 3s. Od.

The Journal of Proceedings of the Society is bound up with the Parts of the Transactions ; it may also be obtained separately by members gratis, and by the public, price 1s. per sheet.

Foreign Members and English Members and Subscribers resident more than fifteen miles from London, who have paid their Annual Subscription, are entitled to receive the Transactions without further payment.


PAGE Prifectstatet ie: SOCIEtV iy, su venice why dete. aft) si) = lhe ePimawa | outa we I

PeAICeOMshcunransactons) «Wii cols /anennted S tii. stseues| aimee es ao Tv Explanation of the Plates . . . ag : : <) s+ o, Mile Additions to the Library from 1st «anwar, 1852, to 31st Saas HGS}. sou Gobel wee none eeu Sy at ol eet a arated Ths eon sa eR Additions to the Collections from 1st pes 1852, to 31st als ISS Wes Wig Wao : Sieh i ien chy Soke ene ute tae Lion, Teme NOY

List of Members, bas ona, USA des cigs cis Les abner cts. bs RVI Journal of Proceedings from February, 1852, to January, 1854. . . 1 INTE gs ODay APA ghar: SE RAR re amram ee OUP a aan a SSRI


J. Description of Doubledaya Viator, an apparently undescribed Sub-genus and Species of Coleoptera belonging to the Family Languriade. By Avam Wuirt, Esq., F.L.S. . . . . . 1

II. Note on the Pediculus Melitte of Kirsy. By F.Smirn, Esq. . 4

III. Descriptions of some new Species of Hemipterous Insects belong-

ing to the Tribe Scutata. By W.S. Datuas, Esq. F.L.S. . 6

IV. Description of a new Species of the Genus Dinidor, belonging to the Hemiptera Scutata. By W.S. Datuas, Esq., F.L.S. . 18 V. Apparatus for destroying Mould on Insects by the Vapour of Spirits of Wine. Invented by M. Vicror Guitiant, Employé au Museum Royal de Turin. Communicated e Joun Curtis, Bigg Fela ants. os : oo oe le VI. Descriptions of Five new ae of Batteries, of the . Family Pa- pilionide. By W.C. Hewitson, Esq. . . . . . « « 22




VII. Descriptions of undescribed Coleoptera, brought from China by














R. Fortune, Esq. By W. Witson Saunpers, Esq.;-

BES. &e. 4). 4 = 25 Descriptions of some new av ‘apparently didessritied Aone

nopterous Insects, from North China, collected y R. For-

TUNE, Esq. By F. Smitu, Esq. . . . . 33 Descriptions of some Hymenopterous Insects far Neuer India. By F. Situ, Esq. . 5 45

. On the Habits of the Species of the Chleoperens ree ‘Megs:

cephala, inhabiting the Amazonian Region of South America.

By H. W. Bares, Esq.; with a Synopsis of the Species,

by J. O. Westwoop, Esq., F.L.S. . . . . Ho 9a a On the Lamellicorn Beetles, which possess exserted Mandibles

and Labrum, and 10-jointed Antenne ; being a Supplement

to a Memoir published in the Fourth Volosnte of the Trans-

actions of the Entomological Society. By J. O. West-

woop, Esq. F.L.S. . . . 59 Contributions to the Natural Fidtory of British Deicpolepido-

ptera. By J. W. Doveuas, Esq. . . . 75 Notes on the Development of Osmia parietina and “athlon British

Insects. By F.Smitu, Esq. . . . 5 tell

Descriptions of some new Species of the Coleonierane Family Pausside, with a Synopsis of the Family. By J. O. Wesrt- Woon, Esq... Fics 2) <i. 84

On the Identification of the yet undetermined Species of Mi- crolepidoptera mentioned in the “* Mémoires” of Réaumur.

By J. W. Douetas, Esq. < = ; 2 97

Descriptions of some Longicorn Beetles, discovered in Northen China by R. Fortune, Esq. By W. Wiison SaunpErs, igs: PSeh as 6 sly. «ie. ade eae eee

Notes on the Habits of ents sbrasene “By Mr. WiriiaM VARNEY Voy). Ts . 113

Contributions to the Nefel Fiatons of Britich ‘Mier olepiae ptera—(coniinued). By J. W. Dovctas, Esq. . . . . 116

Notices of some new Species of Strepsipterous Insects, from Albania; with further Observations on the Habits, Trans- formations and Sexual Economy of these Parasites . . . 125

On the Duration of Life in the Queen, Drone and Worker of the Honey Bee; to which are added, Observations on the Practical Importance of this Knowledge in deciding whe- ther to preserve Stocks or Swarms; being the Prize Essay of the Entomological Society for 1852. By J. G. Des- BonouGH, Bsq. +.) 14.0) % ihars . 145

Descriptions of new Genera and Sieeies of Ciiteuliuteen ‘By G. R. Watrrnovse, Esq. F285: 0. «2-3 = eee







PAGE Contributions to the Natural History of British Microlepi-

doptera. By J. W. Dovetas, Esq. . . . 207 Monograph of the Genus Cryptocerus, eloneioe to ‘thie

Group Cryptoceride—Family Myrmicide—Division Hy-

menoptera Heterogyna. By F. Smitru, Esq... . . . . 213 A Revision of the Synonymy of the British Species of the

Coleopterous Genera Hydrochus and Ochthebius. By G. R.

WATERHOUSE, FSGe EZ Se. yoy ie Gn veal e aul: . 229 Descriptions of some new Species of Coleoptera, fro Ching

and Ceylon. By J. O. Wesrwoop, Esq., F.L.S. . . . 232 On the Insects used for Food by the Indians of the Amazon.

By A. R. Waurace, Esq... = . 241 Descriptions of some new Species of Butterflies fom South

America. By W.C. Hewitson, Esq. .. . . 245 Notes on the Habits of a Bee-parasite, Melittobia Ailes

By Freperick Smitu, Esq. . . . 248 On the Habits of the Butterflies of the ‘Atiazen Valley ‘By

Ace Lvs MUR DACE Rasa timc! cl elle niet Us) dou gs . . 253



Prater. Fic. PAGE il 1. Oplomus elongatus, Dallas ..--cecvsseccececesceess 6 QowSciocon7s| atustnalis wa allepevnelceeyercteteters|oteieieleveeiorere\s}-fel=to mame y| Daas Memtn aise Dalle tersretelatetelelels teleisyelstonele Boooooade. UC 4& 4a. Dinidor lineatus, Dall., and details .......+00 0 Sooo. ill

Ouglinonccorusylatius alley werepelevetetetersreieterofela/enelstalalersieteeer- mane

6 & 6a, Amphaces virescens, Dall., and details ........-...+++ 14

7 & 7b. Dinidor gibbus, Dall., and details.........-.-- mocos, ile

1 Apparatus for destroying Mould on Insects ....-..-.. 19

Ts 5 ae a. : . Cosmiomorpha modesta, Saunders, and details..-..... 29

3 & 3a. Rhomborhina nigra, Saund. .sscceseeeee pacocoooncg PY) 4& 4a. Bs Fortunei, Saund....... feuncoododtecn 31)) 5. Teniodera ornata, Saund. dhoooouonuodMUDOb oo Sill 6. Protetia intricata, Saunds «sees 1-2 ele selels\arevenerse mel 7. Porphyronota Sinensis, Sina SodpenoacdvacsDGc0De 8 IV. 1. Glenea Fortunei, Saund....... S008 On tO OC ererssepetorote rer wil, 2. Colobus sericeus, Saund.......-- SODODOODOCOOG0ON ero ated AAD ie e : Philus inconspicuus, Saund., and details...+..++++e++6 110 5. Burypoda antennata, Saund. 6000025 0s c00s es clare 110 6. Cerosterna hispida, Saund. ..........-- sleliefalerese) Siaveners 112 7. Callichroma Faldermannii, Saund..... ddouoopoug oc ore) ell V. I, Bapilio)Sakontala, Hewitson elec vc1s'seielelelciels eietetee ete 24 24s ty UOrellana Sew s siis 'e eieeine nm oe eimereieeeers 23 VI. i ys. (Chabrias; Hews ss clos sacle» crete te siete oo eS Ze 99° | Pawsanias: THEW.(/x\siset=o.s'<iars «orate leicasionerciemenee 3. 5s 9, Lelearchus,) Flew. tic cise e/teieinte SOOO GOOG Apion 9274 VII. 1. Megacephalaveurta, Perty ss 'sisiv's oa eves o'n's clo oon Oe 2. Larvaof M.curta? 2a, head rotiley cet eceecc cesses 04 3. Megacephala Martii, Perty.......... eerceceseceene OF A plbanvarot Uv mVlcmtiiimeetarstetertietstele ado boo ous eee 54 onMecacephalalSpiniy, Brule. mrelstelece sister cieielslcetetos . o4 6. Larva of M. ——? 6a, dorsal segment, showing the hooks); 76/b\protileiofidos-stererietce selcteeeneieteiohe nea 7. Megacephala quadricollis, Laferte?..+0..++eeeeceeees 55

8. o MSPerUla;. VWiESLWeil tole + sicleiercieletaiielelsiontalelomod











Fic. PAGE 1. Vespa Mandarina, Smith......20-+++. So ponsoudod de: wal: 2. Cryptus purpuratus, Smith..... jopgapdoobougunuaKe oe 3. Bombus atripes, Smith ......+.20-00- sAndeddcnoas eee 4. Untfasciatus, Smitlecisvicercescscccacccceecs 40 5. Se GRU TOC, Shave On Hein GOOmOe Riatetelereteveislieie ste Ad 6. 3) jserrugineus, Smith’ fence. ecceecsecccee 47 7. sp tUNICATUS, SMIth ssc ove siete ¢ Ristcleleielete slevcloiata eter mn 4a Gh Wail! comings Sain SoohooooopdadboooodanGouc0dn co QRIPisonine cal is poimit i welete/s}.opeyelelelelaielererel sie Sonesocncsa. St! 10. Rhynchiwm ornatum, Smith ......2eeeeeeees ponooo) Cie 1 tole. Ochode@us lutescens, Westw., and details .....+...20. 64 2 to 2e, 7 pictus, Westw., and details...0...2..-0es TOD 3. 95 Americanus, Westw. (mandibles and clypeus) 67 4, Ap luridus, Westw. (IDM) Noo soce 67 5 todd. 50 rugatus, Westw. and details .......+- doooo 0// 6 to 6 i. Liparochrus geminatus, Westw., and details........ -- 69 7 to7 6. “3 sculptilis, Westw., and details ...+-+ee++ 70 8 to 8 i. Glaresis Frivaldsskyi, Westw., and details ........ jen nati, 9 to 9c. Triodontus Owas, Reiche, and details ........+0.--2. 74 1 to 1c. Imago and transformations of Gelechia contigua ...... 76 2 to 2c. Imago and transformations of Gelechia blandellu ...+.. 77 3 to 3c. Imago and transformations of Gelechia fraternella .+2» 77 1 to 1 c. Imago and transformations of Coleophora albitarsella .. 79 2 to 2c. Imago and transformations of Culeophora Alcyonipennella 80 3 to 3c. Imago and transformations of Coleophora solitariella.... 80 1 to 1 d. Rhipicera tessellata, Saund., and details ....++s+++-. 236 2 to 2f. Callirhipis Championii, Westw., and details .......... 235 3 to 3 g. Lichas funebris, Westw., and details.ceesessesreeeee 238 4, Callirhipis Templetonii, Westw.....esesrsevsecceees 204 5 tod e. Eugeusis palpator, Westw., and details......+2..00++ 239 6 to 6e. Clytellus methocoides, and details ......+- SoMoOOOUOC 240 1 to 1 J. Imago and transformations of Lithocolletis trifasciella .. 120 2 to 2b. Imago and transformations of Lithocolletis Scabiosella .. 121 3 to3d. Imago and transformations of Lithocolletis Emberizepen- “nasa onabeng 6400 bacs oo ob nobb BOSH Spo000n e- 122 1 to 1 b. Imago and transformations of Gracilaria Franckella .. 123 2 to 2 c. Imago and transformations of Gracilaria stigmatella .. 124 3 to 3d. Imago and transformations of Gracilaria auroguttella .. 124 1—8. Details of pseudo-nymph of Xenos Rossii @........ -- 144 9—15. Oplopus Rubicola, with Xenos Klugii ¢ enclosed in its pupa skin, &C. sssereeeesces efsiele\ euehsla\a) sisiere sis 144 15—24. Ancistrocerus deflendus, with Xenos Heydenii, &c. »».. 144 1. Xenos Rossii, escaping from abdomen of Polistes Gallica 144 2—17. Hylecthrus Rubi, escaping from abdomen of Hyleus Inne, SXKOs 6G aSOb DO DOO Ue CauOoe Ob booe boca - 144 18. Pupa of Hylecthrus Querciis g..... whevokeieleriereieiaerepsroe ela 19. Prosopis variegata, with cephalothorax of Btylectinas Sieboldii exposed »+...++- corse crsecccevereccces 144










Fic. 1—le. Qe l—le.

2—2 c. 3—3 c. 15


PAGE Imago and transformations of Bedellia somnulentella .. 208 Polyommatus Alewis, vat. «evseseesesesecs Proceed. cxiv. Imago and transformations of Elachista subnigrella, Doug. 210 Imago and transformations of Elachista Megerlella .... 211 Imago and transformations of Elachista Cygnipennella .. 211 Cryptocerus atratus 9 ; 1a, labium of do.; 16, maxilla of do.; lc, labrum of do.; 1 d, mandible of do.; le, labium of do. (neuter) ; 1 f, maxilla of do. (neuter) 228

2. Cryptocerus atratus (neuter) ...-+.... Cece caccreccs - 228 3. op elegans ; 3a, antenna of do. ......+-++0. 228 4. iy VAT ANEOLUSTaAstelele eleleietere te stele BEROOOLOOOIEO: 2253) OF * D’Orbignyanus ..crcescceccrecceces a. pets} 6. Cataulacus parallelus ; 6a, front view of the head of do. 228 7. Cryptocerus argentatus ; 7a, antenna of do..... Soonno CP! 8. mp quadrimaculatus .....+ POORTOMC S000 DO P75: 9. a0 UNUNACWIATUS oie c0esssvcee cee nooodnOre 228 1. Cryptocerus dubitatus se .ccscseseececescerecceseses 220 2. Ap GiSCOCEPNALUS Teieivicie o w'e)eT wlele eleislateteelviaisron tO 3. 5 JiGUREES G6 -obabocopCoBoEC Sel erate eietalsiele MOaO 4. Ss pubescens ; 4a, antenna of do. ...-.+e. bi. P48 5. Cataulacus Guineensis ; 5a, underside of the head, show- ing the grooves for the reception of the antenne .... 228 6. Meranoplus bicolor ; Ga, antenna of do. 228 8. 3 petiolatus; 7a, antenna of do. ......... 5 DPAS 8. Cryptocerus pusillus; 8 a, antenna of do. ...+ee+sse++ 228 8. 33 LBW OS -AoooD0dUN00 CO URAd adhere ctcterete 228 9. Cataulacus Taprobane ......2.....e00e GoooncndCG 7etE) 1. Cryptocerus clypeatus, Q ..++s+creveerecesceee eee 228 2. ss p Gio dd ondcuadacdooco5aee sees 220 3. + COTES rterntai etaholeleloislchelsi cietetelsisieiehsialelaieremee acs 4. 7; MEMDTANACEUS + eeesesceceee aisibleherstniclemeee 5. Head of C. clypeatus (neuter) .....scecccceevecrese O20 6. Thorax of doc wiei-'- ccrele's cies «= S:altetesterelisicliete qeccooucdg fee 7. Daceton armigerum, S ...... aie lei cle’ «ei eletelaleislsleleieiele OG 8. iD iy 9) ooo ASOD OO AD DOOD DE Aodooe 228 9. Orectognathus antennatus (neuter) ; 9a, mandible of do. ; 9b, antenna of do.; 9c, metathorax of do......... 228 - Erycina Saundersii, Hewitson ......seeeseeeeee ere 245 . Acrea Amida, Hew. ..--+.-. Sisleiv/elevelsietelclele eisia eee een

» apilzo (Conon, Gwe avielel oll cial +/otolel ele ielevevalo stele) cfals(ieeune AO

Hetera Hortona, How. siecle osienic cc ssc ociseesaineaO » Hypaesia, Hew. .....+- SAAC ISO ESOOOD C 247 Dircennn Duwillia, Hews as ae\ee'e's ols sielas,cis leis) oloisieloretaeoate)


Abstract of the Seventh Census of the United States. ADMIRAL, Lepidopterous Insects. Folio, 1774. ALBIN, Historia Insectorum Angliz. 4to. 1731 (two copies). » History of Spiders. 4to. 1736. American Zoological, Botanical and Geological Biography for 1851. Atheneum. 1852 and 1853.

Booru and Morritt, Report on recent Improvements in the Chemical Arts.

CEDERHOLM, Fauna Ingrica Prodr. (Insecta). 8vo. Cuapuis and CANDEZE, Catalogue des Larves des Coléoptéres. CHEYVROLAT, Descriptions des Coléopteres nouveaux.

ne Descriptions des trois Coléopteres.

Ap Rappel des Coléoptéres décrits par Pallisot et Beauvais. CuERCK, Aranei Suecia. 4to. 1757. CornELIvs, C., Beitrage zur nahern Kenntniss von Periplaneta orientalis. Cox, C. J., On the Destructive Powers of Scolytus destructor. CrameER, Papillons Exotiques, et Supp. 5 vols. 4to. coloured. Curtis, J., A List of Insects and other Animals either injurious to Agriculture or

of interest to the Farmer. :

A British Entomology. Royal 8vo. 16 vols. in 8.

CyRIL1I, Entomol. Neapol. Spec. 8 plates.

Dauuas, W. S., Description of a new Hemipterous Insect Atelides centrolineatus. Denis and SCHIFFERMULLER, Syst. Verz. der Schmetterlinge. 4to. 1776. De GEER, Genera et Species Insectorum.

A Mémoires pour servir a |’ Histoire des Insectes. 7 vols. 4to. DonovA\, British Insects. 8vo. 16 vols. in 8, Drury, Insects. 3 vols. 4to.

», Illustrations of Natural History. 4to. 3 vols. in 1.

Entomological Magazine. 5 vols. Ericuson, Die Kifer der Mark Brandenburg. 1 band, 1—2 abth. Exhibition of 1851, Second Report of the Commissioners.

a Reports of the Juries.

Fapricivs, O., Fauna Groenlandica. 8vo, 1780. Fasricius, Entomol. Philosoph. 8vo. is Entomologie Systema et Suppl. 5 vols. 8vo. Genera [nsectorum. 8vo. - Mantissa Insectorum. 2 vols. 8vo.


FISCHER DE WALDHEIM, Entomographie de la Russie. Tome v. FIscHER, SEBASTIAN, Abhandlung tber Daphnia aurita and D. laticollis. 2 ss nB der Ordnung der Branchipoden und En- tomostraceen. die in der Umgebung von St. Peters- burg vorkommenden Crustaceen. FREEMAN, Rev. J., Life of Rev. W. Kirby. Friscu, Beschreibung von Allest. Insecten in Deutschland. 1 vol. 4to. FueEssty, Archives des Insectes. 5 Nues Magazin der Liebhabe. 2 vols. 8vo. By Verz. der Schweitz Insect.


GEOFFROY, Histoire Naturelle des Insectes de Paris. 2 vols. 4to. GisTL, J., Isis. Nos. 1, 2, 4 and 6, 1850.

53 Systema Insectorum. Tom. 1, Coleoptera, fasc. 1. GoEDART, Metamorph. &c. Insectorum. 12mo. GYLLENHAL, Insecta Suecica. 4 vols.

HAGEN, H., Ueber die Lebensweise der Termiten und ihre Verbreitung. Harris, Mosks, Aurelian. Folio, 1778.

3 Exposition of English Insects. 4to.

a6 Treatise on American Insects. Royal 8vo.

», T., Insects of New England injurious to Vegetation. 1852. Haworta, Lepidoptera Britannica. 8vo. Hewitson, W.C., Exotic Butterflies. Parts 1—9. Hope, F. W., Catalogo dei Crostacei Italiani e di molti altri del Mediterraneo.

Descrizione di alcune Specie d’ Insetti Fossili.

HoORSFIELD and MAcCLEAY, Annulosa Javanica. 4to.

Insecta Britannica, Diptera. Vol. 1. », Saundersiana, Diptera. Parts 3 and 4.

Kirpy, Fauna, Boreali Americana. 4 vols. 4to. », Monographia Apum Angliz. 2 vols.

Kirby and SPENCE, Introduction to Entomology. 4 vols. 8vo.

Kouuar, V., Beitrag zur Acanthochermes Quercits.

Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Haushaltes und der geographischen Ver- breitung einiger in 6komischer und technischer Hinsicht nichtigen

Insecten. Af Ueber ein bisher noch nicht beobachteten Feind des Weinstockes. ap Ueber Weinbeschadigung durch einen kleinen Nachfalter Tortric

Roserana, Frohl, KoLLAR and REDTENBACHER, Ueber den Character der Insecten-Fauna von Sud -Persien.

LAcorDAIRE, T., Monographie de la Famille des Phytophages. a Révision de la Famille des Cicindélides. LATREILLE, Considérations Générales. 8vo. - Genera Crustaceorum et Insectorum. 4 vols. 8vo.


LEcontTeE, J. L., Attempt to Classify the Longicorn Coleoptera of the North of

Mexico. ‘3 Descriptions of new Species of Coleoptera from California. _ On the Pselaphide of the United States. 55 Synopsis of the Cleride of the United States.

LEDERER, Versuch die Europidischen Spanner. Lewin, Prodr. Entomol. (Lepidoptera of N.S. Wales.) LinnI Fauna Suecica. 8vo, 53 Museum Ulrice. 8vo.

Literary Gazette. 1852 and 1853. Lussock, J., Description of a new Species of Calanide.

ee. On Two new Sub-genera of Calanide.

a On Two new Species of Calanide, &c. LYONET, uvres Anatomiques.

=n Recherches, &c.

Magazin der Entomologie. 2 vols. 8vo. MEIGEN, Europaische Schmetterl. 3 vols. MELVILLE, D., Nature’s Teaching, a Lecture. MERIAN, Histoire des Insectes de |’ Europe.

55 Insects of Surinam. Folio. MovurFfet, Theatrum Insectorum. 1634. 2 copies. Murray, A., Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland.

NEES AB ESENBECK, Hymenopterorum Ichneumonibus affinium Monographie. Vol. 2.

PASSERINI, Signor, A Portrait of. x. Notizie relative ad Insetti Coleotteri dannosi della planta el Fico. PERCHERON, Bibliographia Entomologica. 2 vols. sq. 8vo.

Raupen-Kalender Naturgeschichte, &c. 8vo. RAy, Historia Insectorum. 1710. 4to. REAuMUR, Memoires des Insectes. 6 vols. 4to. Revue et Magazin de Zoologie. 1851, 1852, 1853. ROEMER, Genera Insectorum. 1789. 4to. ROESEL, Insect. Belust. 4 vols. 4to. Rossi, Fauna Etrusca. 2 vols. 4to.

», Mantissa Insectorum. 4to.

SAMOUELLE, Entomologist’s Compendium. 8vo. 1819.

Saussure, H. F., Monographie des Guépes Solitaires. Cahir 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Say, American Entomology. 3 vols. 8vo.

SCHAFFER, lcones Insectorum. 4to. coloured.

ScHaum, Bericht uber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Ento- mologie wahrend des Jahres 1849, 1850 und 1851.

Scopout, Entomologia Carniolica. Two copies.

Sepp, Histoire Naturelle des Insectes de Surinam. 3 parts.

Sm1TH, F., A List of the British Aculeate Hymenoptera. * American Insects. 2 vols. folio.


SMITHSONIAN Contributions to Knowledge. Vols. 3, 4 and 5. » Institution, Directions for Collecting Specimens of Natural History. y .; Fifth and Sixth Annual Report of the Board of Regents. SmyTH, Capt. W. H., Ades, Hartwellianz. SocIETIES—ANNALES, MEMOIRES, TRANSACTIONS, &c. Academia Real de Ciencias de Madrid, Memorias. . Parti 2. Académie Royale des Sciences, &c. de Belgique, Memoires, &c. 1851, 1852. Akademie Konigliche Bayerischen. VI. Band. 2 Abth. Art Union of London, Report of the Council for 1853. Berwickshire Naturalists’ Club Proceedings. 1851, 1852. Lyceum of Natural History of New York, Annals. Vol. 5, Nos. 2—8. Société Entomologique de France, Annales. 1851. Société Impériale des Naturalistes de Moscou, Bulletin. 1851, No. 2—4. Société de Physique et d’Histoire Naturelle de Geneve, Memoires. Tom. 13, Ire partie. Society of Arts, Journal of. 1852 and 1853. Society, Linnean, Proceedings. i851, Nos. 45—51.

5 Transactions of. Vol. 21, parts 1 and 2. Society, Royal, Proceedings. Vol. 6, Nos. 82—97. 5 Transactions. 1853, parts 1 and 2.

Society, Royal Agricultural, Journal. Vol. 13, parts 1, 2; vol. 14. Stettin, Catalogus Coleopterorum Europe. 1852. » Entomologische Zeitung. 1852 and 1853. » Linnea Entomologica. Band 6, 7 and 8. Zoological, Proceedings. 201—226. Py Transactions. Vol. 4, parts 2, 3. SpINOLA, Tavola Sinnotica dei generi spettanti alla classe degli Insetti artroidignati Hemiptera, Lin. Srarnton, Bibliotheca Stephensiana. STEPHENS, J. F., Illustrations of British Entomology. 12 vols.

AA List of Animals in the Collection of the British Museum—Le- pidoptera. 1852.

a Manual of British Beetles.

op Systematic Catalogue of British Insects. 8vo.

STOLL, Cigzses et Punaises. 4to, 1788. SWAMMERDAM, Biblia Nature. 2 vols. folio.

VoGEL, Verhandlungen der Insecten. 8vo. i Ueber den Chemismus der Vegetation.

WILKES, English Butterflies and Moths. 4to. Woop, Index Entomologicus. 2 copies.

ZELLER, P. C., Lepidoptera Microptera que J. A. Wahlberg in Caffrorum terra

collegit. ZETTERSTEDT, J. W., Diptera Scandinaviz. 11 vols. 8vo. % Insecta Lapponica. 4to.

Zoologist for 1852 and 1853.



ANOPILURA. Rev. L. Jenyns ....A collection of British species.

ARACHNID. Mr. R. H. Meade ..A collection of sixty British species.

COLEOPTERA. Mr. Ed, Bowring....Apate Bambuse. Mr. Douglas....... Do. do. Mr. Foxcroft....... Boletophagus crenatus, two specimens. Mr. Gwynn....... . British, various. Mr. T. J. Stevens... Larva, with a Spheria attached. Mr. A. R. Hogan... Diglossu mersa, two specimens. Rev. H. Clark...... Haltica pubescens, eight specimens. Mr. D. W. Mitchell. . Lucanus Cervus, a specimen from the Pyrenees.

Mine Prativareystere .---Oryctes Martabani, a specimen. Miss Hornby. ..... Zophorus Mexicanus, a specimen. CRUSTACEA. Miss Hornby......- Phyllosoma clavicorne, a specimen. DIPTERA.

Mr Spence........ Glossina morsitans.

HYMENOPTERA. Mr. J. Lubbock ....Sirex duplex, specimens. Mr. F. Smith....... Vespa Britannica, Illustrations of natural history of.


Mr. A. F. Sheppard. . British, various. Mr. Douglas....... Do. do. DU re BONG 2) chess s1s16 01 Do. do. Mr: Bedell... 3... <<. Do. do. Mindi OyGls ~cieris D0. do.


LEPIDOPTERA —continued.

Mr. Edwin Shepherd . British, various.

Mr. P.H. Vaughan.. Do. do.

Major Sheppard .... Do. do.

Mr. Bond......--+e Do. Aglossa cuprealis, six specimens. Rey. Jos. Greene..-- Do. Boarmia Abietaria, &c. &c. Mr. J.B. Hodgkinson .Coremia erutaria, &e.

Mr. Shield.........Hydrelia Blomeri.

Mr. N. Greening.... Hydrecia Petasitis.

Mr. Foxcroft. ...... Lelia cawnosa, two pairs.

Mr. T. J. Stevens.... Morpho Cytheris, a specimen.

Mr. R. S. Eldeston .. Plusia bractea.

Rev. J. Johnson ...-Plutella Dalella, six specimens. Mr. J.Scott........ Sciuphila, new species.

M. Becker..... . +++ Various, European.

Mr. J. Stevens...... Various, from Bogota.

STREPSIPTERA. Mr. 8. S. Saunders .. Illustrations of the natural history of some Albanian species.


Professor Thompson .A collection of Chinese. Mr. J. C. Bowring -.A box of Chinese.

Viscount Goderich ..A box of Brazilian.

Mr. Thwaites ...... A collection of Cingalese. Signor Passerini ....A collection from Florence. Mr. Weaver........ Various, British.

Mr. J. Scott......-. Do. do.

Hist of Members




JAN UGATRE Yas 2) algo4:

VOL. Il. N. S. PART VIII. —APRIL, 1854. b

C xr ®






Wonovary English Member.

Witxiiam Spence, Esq., F.R.S. F.L.S. 18, Lower Seymour Street, Portman


WBonorary foreign Members.

Epwarps, M. Milne. Le Musée d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, Gravenhorst, Prof. J. L. C. Breslau, Silesia.

Haan, Herr W. de. Haarlem.

Hammerschmidt, Herr L.

Klug, Dr. Frederick. Royal Museum, Berlin.

Kollar, Herr. Royal Museum, Vienna.

Lefebvre, M. Alexandre. Bouchevilliers, prés Gisors, Département de 1’Eure.

Passerini, Signor Carlo. Professor of Zoology, at the Royal Museum, Florence.

Zeller, Professor P. C. Gross-Glogau, Silesia. Zetterstedt, Professor J. W., Ph. D. &c. University of Lund.

C* xix’)


Date of Election.





Marked * are Original Members. Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions. Marked S. are Subscribers.

Autts, T. H., Esq. York.

Babington, C. C., Esq., M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. St. John’s College, Cambridge.

Baly, J.S., Esq. 13, Southampton Terrace, Kentish Town.

Barlow, F., Esq. Cambridge.

Bates, F., Esq. Leicester.

Beaumont, Alfred, Esq. Huddersfield.

Bedell, G., Esq. 10, Gloster Terrace, Old Kent Road.

Bell, Thomas, Esq., Pres. L.S. F.G.S._ 17, New Broad Street, and Selborne, Hants.

Bell, William, M.D. 19, Sackville Street.

Bevan, Edward, M.D. Hereford.

Biadon, J., Esq. Pont-y-pool.

Bond, F. Esq. Kingsbury.

Bowerbank, J. S., Esq., F.R.S. F.G.S. F.L.S. 3, Highbury Grove.

Boyd, Thomas, Esq. 17, Clapton Square.

Brown, Edwin, Esq. Burton-on-Trent.

Burlington, William, Earl of, M.A. F.R.S. F.G.S. 10, Belgrave Square.

Buxton, E. C., Esq. Spikelands, Liverpool.

Charlesworth, E., Esq. York.

Christie, Arthur, Esq. 9, Stanhope Street, Hyde Park.

Clark, Rev. Hamlet. Northampton.

Cooke, Henry, Esq. London and County Bank, Hastings.

Cox, Capt., Charles James. 21, Langham Place.

Curtis, John, Esq., F.L.S., &c. 18, Belitha Villas, Barnsbury Park, Islington.

Dallas, W. S., Esq, F.L.S. 23, Crane Grove, Holloway Road. Darwin, Charles, Esq., M.A. F.R.S. Down, near Bromley, Kent. Dashwood, John, Esq., B.A. Barton-under-Needwood, near Lich- field. Dawson, John, Esq. Carron, near Falkirk, Stirlingshire. Dawson, Rev. J. F., L.1..B. The Woodlands, near Bedford. b 2


Date of Election. * + Desvignes, Thomas, Esq. Fir Tree Cottage, Woodford. 1851 Dossetor, T., Esq. 12, Poultry. * Doubleday, Henry, Esq. Epping. 1845 Douglas, J. W., Esq., Secretary. 6, Kingswood Place, Lee, Kent. 1849 Dunning, J. W., Esq. Elmwood Lodge, Leeds.

1851 S. Dutton, James, Esq., M.D. Hammersmith.

* Engleheart, N., Esq. Blackheath Park. 1853 Evans, Henry, Esq. Darley Abbey, near Derby. 1838 Evans, W. F., Esq. Admiralty. 1847 Fortnum, C. D. E., Esq. 12, Grosvenor Street West. 1853 Garland, John, Esq. Dorchester. 1849 S. Gear, Robert, Esq. 19, Oxford Square. 1853 Goderich, Viscount, M.P. F.L.S., &c. Carlton Gardens. a Gould, J., Esq., F.R.S. F.L.S. F.Z.S. 20, Broad Street, Golden Square. 1835 + Grant, Dr. Richmond, Surrey. 1848 Grant, Fred., Esq. Putney. 1850 Gray, John, Esq. Wheatfield House, near Bolton-le-Moors.

1842 + Gray, J. E., Esq., Ph.D. F.R.S. British Museum.

1850 S. Greene, Rev. Joseph. Dublin.

1853 Groves, W. Esq. 12, Morden Place, Lewisham Road.

1846 Grut, F., Esq. 10, Westbourne Terrace Road, Bayswater. : 1850 + Guyon, G., Esq. Ventnor, Isle of Wight, and Richmond, Surrey.

1852 Hamilton, Captain T. India. a Hanson, Samuel, Esq. Botolph Lane. 1852 S. MHaselden, Henry. 25, Whiteheads Grove, Chelsea. = Heales, G. S., Esq. Doctors’ Commons. 1847 Hearsey, Lieut.-Col. John Bennett. India. 1846 Hewitson, W.C., Esq. Oatlands, near Esher, Surrey. * Horsfield, Thomas, M.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. F.G.S. M.R.A.S. East

India House, and 21, Downshire Hill, Hampstead. 1853 S. Hudson, Mr. F. T. Stockwell Street, Greenwich. 1851 Hunter, John, Esq. 24, Bloomsbury Street.

1849 S. Ingall, Thomas, Esq. 16, Park Road, Stockwell Park.

1843 Janson, E. W., Esq., Curator. 61, Gracechurch Street. 1853 Jekel, M. Henri. Paris. * Jenyns, Rev. L., M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. Upper Swainswick, near Bath.

1849 S. Jobson, Henry, Esq. Carron, near Falkirk, Stirlingshire.

1842 Kuper, Rey. C. Trellich, Monmouth.

Date of Election.

1849 1839 1853 1849

1835 1851 1849 1850 1850 1851 1850 1850 1853 1849 1851


+ Pap

+~nDM in


Labrey, B. B., Esq. Manchester.

Lamb, ——, Esq. Beauport, Hastings.

Langeake, T. H., Esq. Beeston, near Leeds.

Lee, John, LL.D. F.R.S. F.S.A. F.R.A.S. Hartwell House, Ayles- bury.

Lingwood, R. M., Esq., M.A. F.L.S. F.G.S. Lyston, near Ross, Herefordshire.

Lodder, Captain H., 47th Infantry. Malta.

Logan, R. F., Esq. Hawthornbrae, Duddingstone, near Edinburgh.

Lowe, Dr. Balgreen, Slateford, near Edinburgh.

Lubbock, John, Esq. High Elms, Farnborough.

McIntosh, J., Esq. 5, Middle Street, Taunton. Meade, R. W., Esq. Bradford, Yorkshire.

Murray, Alexander, Esq. Shenley, Herts.

Moore, F. Esq. 4, Molesworth Place, Kentish Town.

Newman, Edward, Esq., F.L.S. F.Z.S. M. Imp. L.C. Acad., President. 7, York Grove, Peckham. Newman, H. W., Esq. New House, Stroud, Gloucestershire.

Owen, Richard, Esq., M.D, LL.D. F.R.S. F.L.S. F.G.S._ Royal College of Surgeons.

Parry, F. J. S., Esq., F.L.S. Steyne, Worthing. Pickersgill, J. C., Esq. 36, Gordon Square. Preston, T. A., Esq. Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

Quin, C. W., Esq. 25, Clarence Street, Islington.

Salt, G. M., Esq. Shrewsbury,

Saunders, 8. S., Esq. Albania.

Saunders, W. F., Esq. East Hill, Wandsworth.

Saunders, W. W., Esq., F.L.S. East Hill, Wandsworth.

Saussure, M. H. F. de. Geneva.

Schofield, R. G. Glenmohr Villa, Greenwich.

Scott, John, Esq. Ferry Road, Renfrew.

Shepherd, Edwin, Esq. 176, Fleet Street.

Shepherd, James, Esq. Brown Street, Blackburn.

Sheppard, Augustus F., Esq. Bellefield House, Parson’s Green, Fulham.

Sheppard, Major E., F.L.S. Ditto.

Sheppard, Edward, Esq. 5, Ladbroke Place, Notting Hill.

Shield, Mr. R. 6, Fleet Street, Dublin.

Signoret, M. Victor. Paris.

Simkiss, Rev. J. M. St. Mary’s, Oscott, Birmingham

Smith, Frederick, Esq. British Museum.


Date of Election. *

1836 1848 1851 1837

1841 1836

1853 1854 1850 1853

1845 1838 1853 1850

1849 1849

1850 1850 «& 1850 1850 * 1845 * 1839 1849 1849 1847

1853 1843





Spence, W. B., Esq.

Spinola, le Marquis Maximilian. Genoa.

Stainton, H. T., Esq. Mountsfield, Lewisham.

Steuart, H. J., Esq. 76, Jermyn Street.

Stevens, S., Esq., F.L.S., Treasurer. 24, Bloomsbury Street.

Tatum, T., Esq, 3, George Street, Hanover Square.

Taylor, R., Esq., F.L.S. F.S.A. F.G.S. M.R.A.S. Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.

Tebbs, H. V., Esq. Southwood Hall, Highgate.

Thompson, Miss. Barn Hill, Stamford.

Thompson, Thomas, Esq. Hull.

Thomson, William, Esq., F.L.S. 11, Dartmouth Villas, Forest Hill, Sydenham.

Thurnell, Charles, Esq. Duxford, Cambridgeshire.

Thwaites, G. R. H., Esq. Ceylon.

Tompkins, H., Esq. Worthing.

Tweedy, J. Newman, Esq. 47, Montague Square.

Vaughan, P. H., Esq. Redland, near Bristol. Vines, Mrs. Lyndhurst.

Walker, John, Esq. Chesterfield.

Walker, Francis, Esq., F.L.S. Arno’s Grove, Southgate.

Walton, John, Esq., F.L.S. Byard’s Lodge, Knaresborough.

Ward, S. Nevill, Esq. Hon. E, 1. C. Civil Service, Madras.

Waring, S., Esq. Norwood.

Waterhouse, G. R., Esq., F.Z.S. British Museum.

Weir, J. J., Esq. 20, Maismore Square, New Peckham.

Westwood, J. O., Esq., F.L.S., &c. St. Peter’s, Hammersmith.

White, Adam, Esq., F.L.S. British Museum.

Wild, W. J., Esq. Herne Hill, Camberwell.

Wilkinson, S. J., Esq. 7, Jefftey’s Square, St. Mary Axe.

Wing, Wm., Esq., F.L.S., Secretary. 17, Priory Road, South Lam- beth.

Winter, John N., Esq. Sussex County Hospital, brighton.

Wollaston, T. V., Esq., B.A. F.L.S. 25, Thurloe Square, Brompton.

Yarrell, W., Esq., F.L.S. F.Z.S., &c. Ryder Street, St. James’s.

Zuchold, Ernst A. Halle, Prussia.

Date of Election.

1842 1844 1844 1846 1846 1846 1847 1847 1849 1850

1839 1844 1844 1852

1839 1850



1839 1847 1847 1849


1846 1846 1846 1848

1839 13840

( xxi)


INSTITUTED NOV. 5rn, 1838.

Boys, Capt. India.

Buonaparte, Prince Lucien.

Barnston, George, Esq. Hudson’s Bay.

Blagrove, Lieut. Thomas. 26th Bengal Infantry.

Bowman, John, Esq. Bombay.

Brain, T. H., Esq., Principal of Sydney College, New South Wales. Bowring, J. C., Esq. Hong Kong.

Bowring, L. B., Esq. Bancoorah, near Burdwar, Bengal.

Blair, Daniel, Esq. Surgeon General, British Guiana.

Bach, Herr M. Boppard-on-the- Rhine.

Cantor, Dr.

Costa, Signor Achille. Naples.

Chiaga, Signor Stephano Deila. Naples. Cox, F., Esq. _ Van Diemen’s Land.

Downes, Mr. Ezra. Dalton, H. G., Esq. George Town, Demerara.

Elliott, Walter, Esq. Madras. Fraser, Louis, Esq. H.M. Vice-Consul, Whidah.

Griffith, W., Esq.

Gilbert, G. A., Esq.

Gray, W., Esq. St. Petersburg. Goding, F., Esq., M.D. Barbadoes.

Harris, Dr. Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.

Layard, F. P., Esq. Bengal Infantry. Layard, E. L., Esq.

Leconte, Major. New York.

Low, Hugh, Esq. Labuan.

M‘Lelland, J., Esq. Calcutta. Mitchell, Sir Livingstone.


Date of Election.

1846 Pope, John, Esq. Hong Kong. 1846 Peters, Francis, Esq. Zanzibar.

1839 Schomburgh, Sir R.

1839 Sayers, Lieut.

1842 Stevenson, —.

1846 Smith, Dr. G. Madras. 1852 Stevens, T. J., Esq. Bogota.

1849 Thomas, Grant, Esq. Barbadoes.

1841 Wiegand, Sir F.

1845 Wilkinson, Sir J. Gardner.

1847 Wilson, C. A., Esq. Adelaide, South Australia. 1849 Wallcott, R. B., Esq., M.D. Barbadoes.

1841 Younger, Lieut. John Robertson.






I. Description of Doubledaya Viator, an apparently unde- seribed Sub-genus and Species of Coleoptera belonging to the Family Languriade. By Anam Wuirte, Esq., F.L.S.

[Read May 6th, 1850. ]

Tue family Languriade contains a not very numerous set of in- sects, which, among the Trzmera, in some way represent the Ela- teride among the serricorn Pentamera. ‘Their form is elongated, the elytra in most of the species are of a metallic blue or green, and the thorax in several is red, or red with a black mark or line. In the genus Languria the antenne are not quite the length of the head and thorax put together, and they terminate in a flat- tened expansion, consisting of five joints. In the genus Fatua of Dejean, the joints of the antennz are much lengthened; and the club or mass at the end, excepting its three terminal joints, which are small, is not much wider than the other joints. The legs too are much longer, the fore ones being not much shorter than the whole length of the insect, and the two other pairs are at least as long as the abdomen.* In both the tarsi, though well de- veloped, are not particularly remarkable for size. The genus Triacus of Thunberg (Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens nya Hand- lingar, xxv. 1804, p. 184), is synonymous with Languria, or nearly so. Its generic character is having perfoliate antenna, with a4-jointed club; three of the joints are lunate, and the last is globose; the thorax is quadrate and the angles are acute. The body

* In the genus Macromera, Hope (Trans. Zool. Society), the legs and antenne are very long. VOL, Il. N.S. PARTI,—JUNE, 1852. B

2 Mr. Adam White’s Description

is linear-oblong, and the joints of the tarsi are three in number —the species is 7’. clavicornis—the thorax is of a shining blue, and the elytra are green; the thorax and abdomen beneath are blueish, washed with red. The genus Languria was established by La- treille in 1802, in the Hist. Nat. des Insectes, the type being L. bicolor, a North American species first described by Fabricius as a Trogosita. he following brief description may serve to make known the chief external characters of the sub-genus


Head decumbent, in front at the base of the jaws expanded and wider than the thorax (fig. 3). Antennz moderate, with a longish club of four rather than five joints. Eyes small, prominent, but not projecting. Thorax as wide as long, margined on the sides, bisinuate at the base, grooved down the middle. Elytra elon- gated, sides nearly parallel, slightly margined, the margin thick- ened at the apex, which is abrupt. Legs very long, the two first pairs somewhat the longest, the femora and tibize compressed. Tarsi very wide, dilated, flat, all the joints wider than long; basal joint shortly cordate, second joint transverse, slightly cordate, third joint smallest, slightly cordate. The tarsi of first pair of legs the largest (fig. 4), those of the third pair not half so wide; the sides of the feet covered with short, uniform, dense hairs, arranged in transverse lines.

Lanouria (Dousiepaya) Viator (Fig. 1, 2).

This insect is a native of Madras, in the East Indies; the spe- cimen described is unique, in the collection of the East India

of Doubledaya Viator. 3

Company, and was kindly lent me by Dr. Horsfield. The head and thorax are highly polished and ferruginous, the elytra are of a pale ochreous red, and have from eight to nine thickly punc- tured, longitudinal, parallel striz, some of them joined near the apex. The antenne and legs are blackish and smooth, the tibiz being furnished with some silky hairs at the apex; the soles are of a lively yellow. The under side of the body is ferruginous. The figure is carefully drawn on wood by Mr. William Wing, and engraved by Miss E. Bridges. Fig. 2 represents the profile of the insect of the natural size.

This singular insect is named after the late Mr. Edward Doubleday, Secretary of this Society, whose collections of insects in North America were about equally rich in all departments ; for his mind was not content with running in one channel, however wide. Although at the British Museum he limited himself chiefly to the arrangement of Lepidoptera, his knowledge of other de- partments of Natural History was far from restricted, and the general collection of Languriade contains at least one species * collected during his travels in North America. This is not the place to eulogize one, whose monument will be—“ The Genera of Diurnal Lepidoptera.” ‘The memory of his many virtues and ever ready assistance with heart, head and hand, cannot ever be for- gotten by those who saw and experienced them. Capt. Smyth, late President of the Royal Geographical Society, at the annual address to that Society, alluded in a pleasing way to Mr. Doubleday’s general geographical information. In matters connected with the United States he took a special interest. Mr. Bennett’s account of our late secretary, read at the anniversary meeting of the Lin- nean Society, gives a very good account of